Bloomin’ cheek… Pointed the toffee muffins out to the Hubby, who remarked rather pointedly that he only eats lemon poppy seed muffins. Then he popped off for a quick run… Well. The 10yo and I weren’t going to stand for that, so we found a recipe, and made some while he was out!!!
I’ve adapted a recipe from The English Kitchen blog, which had a really lovely lemon zest crunch on the top, which I thought would work well. By now I’m obviously in a hurry, so my modifications are more about timing than anything else…
Grated zest of 5 medium lemons
220g vanilla caster sugar (1 cup)
335g of self raising flour (2 1/4 cup)
2 Tbsp poppy seeds
80ml of fresh lemon juice (1/3 cup)
250ml of milk (1 cup)
60g of vegetable oil (1/3 cup)
2 large free range eggs, beaten
Preheat the oven to 180oC. Pop six large cafe-style muffin cases into a ‘holey’ tin (otherwise they will unfurl!)

Et voila! Laissez mon mari manger son gâteau! (Let my husband eat his cake!!)